These vintage name belts are the perfect addition to your closet! They also make for great gifts. Measurements and descriptions are below.
First bunch:
- Don: tooled brown belt with white leather inlay detailing; 43"
- Nashville: reddish brown belt with tooling detail and a gold buckle; 34"
- Earl: light brown belt with leaf and acorn tooling, buckstich detailing, and a gold buckle; 38"
- Nancy: tan and dark brown belt with tooling detail; 29"
- Cassie: tan and dark brown belt with floral tooling detail; 30"
Second bunch:
- Jerry: light brown belt with tooling, buckstiching, and handpainted detailing; 42"
- JoJuan: tan belt with leaf and acorn tooling and buckstich detailing; 31"
- Cash: brown belt with tooling and buckstitch detailing; 40"
- Judy: light brown belt with eagle tooling, handpainted detailing, and a leather covered buckle; 32"